MALDIVES, July 07-15, 2025

March 19, 2021

Types of Motivation That Make It Possible to Reach Your Dreams

Motivation is absolutely vital if you want to achieve your dreams.

Competence Motivation

Have you always sought to continuously improve your skills and talents? Is one of your goals to learn how to do your job better or improve at your hobby? If so, you may be in need of some competence motivation.

Competence motivation is a type of motivation that helps others to push forward and become more competent in a certain area and improve their skills.

This type of motivation is especially helpful when it comes to learning new skills and figuring out ways around obstacles that one is faced with in different areas of life.

Power-Based Motivation

Those who find happiness in becoming more powerful or creating massive change will definitely be fueled by power-based motivation.

Power-based motivation is a type of motivation that energizes others to seek more control, typically through the use of positions in employment or organizations.

Although it may seem to be a bad thing, power motivation is great for those who wish to change the world around them based on their personal vision.

If you’re looking to make changes, power-based motivation may just be the way to go.

Achievement-Based Motivation

Titles, positions, and roles in jobs and other areas of our lives are very important to us. Those who are constantly driven to acquire these positions and earn titles for themselves are typically dealing with achievement-based motivation.

Whereas those who use incentive motivation to focus on the rewards that come after a goal is met, those who use achievement-based motivation focus on reaching a goal for the sake of achievement and the feeling of accomplishment that goes with it.

Those who need a boost in their professional life will find achievement-based motivation extremely helpful.

Reward-Based Motivation or Incentive Motivation

Incentive motivation or reward-based motivation is a type of motivation that is utilized when you or others know that they will receive a reward once a certain goal is achieved.

Because there will be something to look forward to at the end of a task, people will often become more determined to see the task through so that they can receive whatever it is that has been promised.

The better the reward, the stronger the motivation will be!

Fear-Based Motivation

The word "fear" carries a heavy negative connotation, but when it comes to motivation, this is not necessarily the case. Anyone who is big on goal-setting and achievement knows that accountability plays a huge role in following through on goals.

When you become accountable either to someone you care about or to the general public, you create a motivation for yourself that is rooted in the fear of failure or the fear of disappointing others. This fear helps you carry out your vision so that you do not fail in front of those who are aware of your goal.

Fear-based motivation is extremely powerful as long as the fear is strong enough to prevent you from quitting.

Affiliation Motivation

People often say that it’s not what we do but who we know that dictates our success. For people driven by affiliation motivation, this is most certainly true.

Those who use affiliation motivation as a driving force to meet their goals thrive when they connect with others in higher power positions than themselves.

They also thrive when those people compliment the work that they do, as well as their achievements. Therefore, affiliation motivation is a great force to help you achieve your social goals and move up in the world.

Attitude Motivation

A problem with our attitude, perspectives, and beliefs is an issue that many of us face. It can become a problem regarding how we move through life to the point that we begin to lose our happiness and miss out on our dreams.

For those of you who are missing out on life because of your attitude, attitude motivation is one of the best types of motivation to help you to recover and move forward properly.

Attitude motivation is a kind of motivation that comes to those who intensely desire to change the way that they see the world around them and the way that they see themselves. Goals associated with self-awareness and self-change will be met with attitude motivation.

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